You are totally exhausted! You feel overwhelmed because your friends have their spouse close by while you are diving in the unknown ocean of a long-distance relationship.


Date-nights, cuddling on the couch, the good night kiss and the sleepy view of the person you love in the morning…you are far away from all that things which are quiete usual for a relationship. You miss everything of those simple habits, because you are without your spouse. That’s your reality.

It can be a nightmare sometimes if you love somebody who is far away, perhaps lives in a different time-zone then yours. How great would it feel to beam that person right in front of you and give „the one“ a hug?


People assume that they are strong and disciplined to wait…but every single cell of your body is longing for being close to that person you love and you don’t know if you can handle those feelings anymore.

There are voices in your head. You feel lonely sometimes although you know that there is a person feeling similar to you many miles far away. But there are days where you just freak out and imagine that there could be somebody else instead of yourself. That person who is not miles far away, a person who does not need the complexity of a long-distance relationship.

There are days where you might question your decision to have a long-distance relationship generally. It’s hard. It’s exhausting and you are missing your spouse so much that you are unable to concentrate at all. If you feel totally unimportant then you should be honest to yourself!

lonely-boy-2531764_1920.jpgReflecting can help you further:

  • Decide what you want to change!
  • Why do you feel less important?
  • Do you put more effort in that relationship then your spouse does?
  • Is your spouse aware about your doubts?
  • Can you imagine living together at one place?
  • Would you give up your home, work or comfort-zone to be close to that person?
  • Research about possibilities, work options for you in his country/town. Consider to run an online business. Would you be able to change your routines?


Did I mention the option of getting married? No? No waiting for visa, holiday or plane tickets…just living together at one place.

Some people are not ready for a marriage yet and they want to discover if the spouse is the right one.


Sorry- having a long-distance-relationship should be a temporary thing. Who really finds joy in this state of relationship? If the other person wants to be free and unindependent then be sure its not a real relationship its called an affair or an open-love-thing

I recommend that you should consider how much your spouse means to you. If you assume it’s „the one“ then ask that person about putting the relationship on a higher level and getting close to each other.

Perhaps your spouse is on board and is happy about your suggestion. If the other person does not want to have a real relationship with you without distance, then be sure it’s better to quit that issue right here right now. Don’t waste your time!

Being honest is important. Everybody gets older. You should never invest your time or give your heart to somebody who does not value your feelings and is in love with you too. Being close and having goals together is a huge part of a great relationship.

If you want to get married, I will be there to organize your civil wedding in Denmark for you easily. Just write me an email:

Any thoughts? Feel free to comment