
Getting married in denmark

civil wedding appointments



Beziehungsstress wegen Geld muss nicht sein! Lerne wie du zauberhaft mit deinem Geld umgehen kannst!

Es herrschen ungewisse Zeiten. Die Pandemie hat uns sozusagen ausgebremst. Viele Menschen können ihrem Job nicht wie gewöhnlich nachgehen und müssen mit Kürzungen rechnen. Die Mehrzahl der Bevölkerung in Deutschland arbeitet nun von zu Hause aus oder in Kurzarbeit.

Einige haben sogar ein Berufsverbot und müssen ihre Läden schließen. Die staatlichen Fördermaßnahmen für Unternehmer sind eine Maßnahme, um kurzfristig die Liquidität erhalten zu können. Wie es nun tatsächlich weitergeht, steht allerdings noch in den Sternen.

Und so sieht der Alltag bei vielen ganz anders aus als sonst. Die Rechnungen flattern bei den meisten allerdings fleißig weiterhin in den Briefkasten, und wenn man diese dann nicht direkt bezahlen kann, dann stresst das nicht nur, sondern sorgt auch für Streitigkeiten innerhalb der Beziehung.

Es gibt einige Menschen, die haben ihre Finanzen im Griff. Die Übrigen haben keinen genauen Überblick und zücken gerne mal die Kreditkarte, wenn das Konto oder der Dispo bereits ausgeschöpft sind.

Geld ist ein Thema, welches zu ernsten Beziehungsproblemen führen kann. Und genau deswegen, ist es wichtig sich dem Thema zu widmen. Denn Unwissenheit- sorgt für Unsicherheit und lässt Raum für große Spekulationen und hitzige Diskussionen. Und damit du in Zukunft deine Finanzen im Griff hast und mit deiner Partnerin in Fülle leben kannst, habe ich mir überlegt, ich interviewe einen Finanzcoach, genauergesagt  Per Schippl für dich:

Lieber Per, ich danke dir für deine Offenheit und deine Bereitschaft, meine Fragen zu beantworten: Continue reading “Beziehungsstress wegen Geld muss nicht sein! Lerne wie du zauberhaft mit deinem Geld umgehen kannst!”

Wie kleidet sich ein wahrer Gentleman zu seiner Hochzeit?

Auf der Suche nach smarten Accessoires für dein Outfit als Bräutigam bin ich auf ein cooles Label gestoßen und war mächtig von dem ganzen Konzept- und den Produkten beeindruckt. Und weil ich so begeistert war, dachte ich mir, ich werde mal einen der beiden Köpfe hinter dem Ganzen interviewen, damit du dir selbst ein besseres Bild von dem Label und den nachhaltigen Produkten für dein Outfit machen kannst. Wenn du an deinem Hochzeitstag nicht 08/15 sein möchtest, sondern mit dem richtigem Look deine Persönlichkeit betonen möchtest, dann bist du bei Adam Bows genau richtig. Ein echter Gentleman hat nicht nur gute Manieren, sondern verzaubert andere auch mit seinem stilvollen, äußeren Erscheinungsbild: Continue reading “Wie kleidet sich ein wahrer Gentleman zu seiner Hochzeit?”

Bist du hochsensibel? Experten-Interview mit dem Hochsensibilitätsberater Christopher Hensellek

Das Thema Hypersensibilität ist eine Angelegenheit, die mich selber betrifft, da ich mich selbst zu dem Personenkreis der HSP (High Sensitive Persons)- wie es im Englischen immer genannt wird, zähle.

Es gibt verschiedene Formen der Hypersensibilität und es wird eher akzeptiert, wenn Frauen sich als hochsensibel outen. Viele hochsensible Menschen laufen herum, ohne sich darüber überhaupt bewusst zu sein. Ich muss zugeben, dass es bei mir auch lange Zeit gedauert hat, bis ich gemerkt habe, dass ich nicht „komisch“ bin, sondern einfach nur hypersensibel. Es ist sowohl eine riesige Kraft die wir da innehalten-aber wir müssen auch ganz viel auf uns selbst achten, damit wir nicht krank werden.

Heute habe ich für Euch einen Experten an meiner Seite: Christopher Hensellek. Mit seiner Webseite Hypersensibel und seiner Arbeit als Hochsensibilitätsberater & Achtsamkeitscoach bringt Christopher allen Hochsensiblen helles Licht in den dunklen Tunnel, in dem der ein oder andere gerade steckt.

Achtsamkeitscoach Christopher Hensellek

Ich möchte gerne mal das Thema Hochsensibilität auf meinem Blog ansprechen und freue mich, auf Christophers Expertenantworten…

Lieber Christopher, zunächst vielen Dank dass du dir die Zeit genommen hast, für ein persönliches Interview zum Thema Hochsensibilität. Du bezeichnest dich ja auch selbst als hochsensibel. Dabei gibt es ja extrovertierte und introvierte HSP-ler.

1. Zu welcher Sorte HSP zählst du dich selbst und was ist der Unterschied zwischen den beiden (extrovertiert & introvertiert)? Continue reading “Bist du hochsensibel? Experten-Interview mit dem Hochsensibilitätsberater Christopher Hensellek”

Wie du über dich hinauswächst, obwohl alles ungewiss ist!

Wir sind alle mehr oder weniger isoliert im Moment. Laut Regierung wird uns dazu geraten, uns nur mit der Kernfamilie, mit der man quasi zusammenwohnt abzugeben. Sämtliche soziale Kontakte sind abgebrochen: Sportvereine, Bibliotheken und Cafes haben geschlossen. Schule & Kitas sind dicht. Alle die dazu halbwegs in der Lage sind, werden dazu angehalten von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten. Tatsächlich liegt nun eine ungewöhnliche Zeit vor uns, aber diese Phase birgt gleichzeitig unendlich viele Chancen… Continue reading “Wie du über dich hinauswächst, obwohl alles ungewiss ist!”

A resilient spouse is a magical secret!

Do you know those magical couples, where they just look into each other eyes and know what the significiant other needs? Obviously there are couples existing who really have that vibe together, short: They do their thing and it looks like it all just magically happens.

But I will tell you the truth. The magic needs effort, personal investment.

After the first time period of every lovecouple, while the butterflies are passing by and the daily routines make it more and more difficult to create that “magic”, many couples cannot exist anymore or cannot stay lucky at a certain point.

Perhaps it’s all about destiny, you might assume, but if you ever have heard of the principle of attraction you might know: Like tends to attract like. Positivity usually attracts positivity and negativity attracts usually negativity.


I like to tell you a story of one of my brides, who really was unpatient with their case. Let’s call her Sarah. I applied her and her boyfriends documents. Usually it takes two weeks until I will receive a approval letter means the permission for them to get married in denmark. Sometimes it just needs 5 days. Unfortunaly her caseworker dived a little deeper as usually and wanted to check the documents of the groom by the german authority (means passport control and checking the visa of the embassy which offered him to enter Europe), which had taken extra time.

Instead of hope and optimism, Sarah went pretty dark and messed it up. She contacted me many times and asked me, if I could call the danish authority who decides and ask about their case. I did it allready a few times without waiting her to tell me, because if cases takes longer time, I will ask about them by myself. But the caseworkers still not had a decision.


Sarah felt fallen apart and was afraid, that her boyfriend would leave the country again without getting married with her. They already had a couple of years been stucked in that long-distance relationship. Two different continents, constantly waiting for visa applications and holidays to see each other again. She was not able to handle that anymore. She wanted to live together with him, at one place, as a married & happy couple.

You might ask yourself: Why does she write about that? Yes, because I told her to not destroy my success quote with her negativity. Her negative thoughts were too intense for my personal taste.

I am okay with the fact that there are lots of people running around  who are not calling themselves optimists. But hey, I am thinking positive and always putting positive energy in my clients and I am really convinced that this is the reason why I until now always had positive feedbacks through the danish authority, means a success quote of 100%. 

There are cases which are difficult and sometimes additional information is asked belonging lovecouples but the results made my couples & me always pretty happy.

So what did I do? I asked the future bride to do me a favor. She should sit down a few minutes to calm down, just relax and not let getting the “brainstruggles” too smart over her heart. I told her to just try to see the world a little bit more positive. I knew she went to lots of problems in the past and it was unable to be positive and full of hope. I advised her to just imagine, how it would feel like, if I call her with great news that I received the permission for their marriage. She should imagine, that he would marry her boyfriend this week. I was aware about the visa, and that there were just a few days left and I really by myself was exited put did put a pokerface on, in order to give her hope and a kind of emotional confirmation that we can reach her goal.

Everything would change to the good, I stayed positive as I always do, because my hope is powerful and I am aware of it.


I insisted on the fact that “a positive mindset” would bring a positive answer to us. Several times I explained to her, that her negative thoughts were stopping the decisionsmakers to find a final positive conclusion. She might thought I was nuts, but if you know about the principle of attraction, you know that this psychological phenomenon is powerful. Being a little bit extraordinary is okay, right?

Do you want to know how the story ends? They got married. Finally. They said “YES!” to each other at the same week, as I told her to imagine. And she laughed abouth her doubts and her “struggles” and unpatience afterwards and apoligized that she did not believe in the power of positivity before. But afterwards that great result switched her mindset from dark black to pretty vanilla.

Okay let’s come back to the beginning. Those couples who are magical. What is their secret? They are focused on their power, their success, their progress, their comittment their magical vibe. People might get envious about them. They might speak about those couples who are obviously made for each other… the reason why they are happy and strong together is: They have a masterplan. They create their relationship a multiple of times over and over again. How?

the resilient spouse.jpg

If its getting boring in the relationship, they are aware of it and are seeking for exitement inside their relationship instead of searching for it outside. They are focussed and feel the other persons need. You might ask yourself: How can I become that magical and resilient in my personal relationship?

And perhaps you will find out easily:

  • Observe– what does your spouse need
  • Offer– if you know the person you love needs something, than offer it without expecting something back in return
  • Be Grateful–  for being with that person. Pay attention to the person you love.
  • Be loyal: safe all his/her secrets and be loyal in every kind of way.
  • Be honest: perhaps its comfortable to tell a lie her and there, but focus on being honest and trustworthy on the long run you will find happiness with your spouse
  • Be exited: Your spouse is entering the room. Are you just saying “hello” and then looking back to your laptop/smartphone or standing up, giving a big hug and telling the person you love how great it is to see him/her again?
  • Offer Respect: there is a unknown truth of being respectful. Allthough you are not the same opinion, you can offer the other person in front of you respect. You don’t need to have the same opinion, but you can respect each others views on a higher level
  • Get spiritual: Whatever you might believe in, or whatever you have in common— it can help you to build up a strong bond. You both believe in God? great, you might feel connected on a deeper level through it, or you both love soccer or coffee? So you will have something to talk about– or enjoy together without any words needed.
  • Be interested: Perhaps you love reading and your spouse is a person who enjoys movies more then a book. If you know he/she has a certain interest, it is pretty nice to show interest, allthough that topic might not be as exited as you might think by the first time. He/she would really feel more connected to you, if you show interest into his/her hobbies, obsessions and passions. And one the other side: Many books will have a movie debüt afterwards. Perhaps it might be interesting for you to read a book and then watch the movie based on that book as a couple?
  • Do your thing: People often get lost in their relatonships. Thats a huge issue. If you just invest and forget yourself and expect that everything is coming back to you but the spouse does not act as you might expect, then you should realize: You forget yourself, you got lost. So find yourself again. What is your thing? What do you like to do? Its important to do the things you enjoy on a regular basis in order to feel happy again. Nobody expects from his/her spouse to change to 180 degree. Why did that person fell in love with you? Because you did your thing! So do what you enjoy the most in order to get back on track.heiraten in dänemark.jpg

Every couple struggles sometimes. Believe me. In every relationship ups and downs are included. But your attitude is which can change a “relationship” to a “really magical, and successful, lucky partnership” on the long run.

Hopefully you enjoyed reading this. Do you know such kind of couples who look magical and have that certain vibe? Are you already building up such a strong bond? Love to read your personal insights about the whole issue… so if you like leave a comment now!


Why you should focus on yourself firstly!

This article will help you to get things done. It will support you to focus on your own stuff! Continue reading “Why you should focus on yourself firstly!”

Dark shadows! Why you should focus on your future not your past!

How do you feel today? Are you totally happy with your life? Or do you need some improvements here and there to feel better then right now? Don’t feel bad about dark shadows under your eyes, dark shadows beside your heart or seeing just black right now. Its okay. There was that Black Friday! :O) And everybody was totally in that, while I was just trying to get over my influenza, which stopped me from achieving anything.

My mind was useless, I feld like somebody had hidden a huge piece of wood on my head. Totally exhausted and weak. Yes, don’t be sursprised. You are not the only person in the world, who feels a little bit dark here and there.

There are many reasons, why we feel bad and unproductive. Why we not function as we should, why we questionaire ourselves and our surroundings over and over again… I don’t blame you for being negative. And you should not blame me for being an optimist with a dark side, nor blame yourself for who you are.


  • Perhaps you get lost sometimes by thinking about your past.
  • Sometimes you might feel bad, because you cannot change some terms you want to change immediately.
  • Being with people who might got stucked in their lifes can stop you from being positive at all.
  • Especially feeling guilty for a disaster you are in right now will not change the game on the contrary it prevents you from solving problems because you already have put your head right into the sand!
  • Particulary assuming not deserving something, allthough you want it so much, is a big mistake you should not repeat.
  • Impatience might blind you for a lot of opportunities in your life.
  • You don’t have those people around yourself, who support you in a proper way.
  • Bad experiences taught your mind, that it does not work and will never work.


Okay, the dark side is in everybody. Some people try to hide them, some use their dark side to get better, to improve themselves to get motivated.

Do you believe somebody takes high risks and leaves his/her comfort zone just for fun?

No! Successful people leave their comfort zone in order to achieve their goals and to frame a picture of a great future.

If you can not believe in yourself– the unkind answer sounds like: “Nobody else will believe in you!”


If you have a dark phantasy then it can offer you a lot of creativity. Because totally thinking out of the box is a skill which not everyone is able to build. So if you see something very dark you can really shape the picture as gloomy as you can. Accordingly you might ask yourself about the opposite of that state. Is there a solution for the dark moment? Can somebody rescue you or something change that state?

The best solutions for other people problems were not created by positive thoughts and spontaniuous ideas, while everybody was happy and feeling fine.

Actually people find solutions for problems, because if they don’t they will earn less money or need to spend more time or loose their good reputation…

For example a hotel which needs to fix a pipe problem in the hotel bathroom and offers the guests a free meal in the restaurant in order to get them happy and not a bad judgement on a social media plattform later on. Good reviews of costumers are the best marketing for every company. And bad reviews are the last thing somebody wants to get, right?

Another example is a techniquel device. Why should anybody buy a device, if it does not solve a problem? A solution for  time-management, automatizing, making things easier for the user! I am sure that IT teachnician focus on solving problems while developing new products and software updates or apps.

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Do you know why I created that Youtube video where I tell people how to fill out a form in order to get married? It was a solution for a huge problem. People messed it up. They sent notice of marriage formulars to me which were a hot mess. And if I can’t read those scratchy writing, how should a registrar of a wedding office get trusted with it, right?

After having some nightmare couples which missed to write their adress right… and after a lot of calls of brides and grooms who I needed to tell the filling procedere over and over again… I decided to solve the problem: By creating a video, which shows people 1 to 1 how to handle the job. And the problem was solved, because now I just need to send the video link to the couples and they can sit down and tackle the formular within a few minutes of their time. One solutions: 3 Winners:

  1. Firstly the costumers are happy, because everything is easy explained to them and they can access the video again if they need it instead of having it generally explained on the phone.
  2. Secondly I am happy, because the couples mostly do their job good and are able to fill the form by themselves, and I did not need to spend time anymore explaining it on the phone, which I really disliked after a few times.
  3. Thirdly the registrars are happy because they can easily oversee the form and work on the cases and give me answers soon. Every bureaucrat enjoys clear writing and proper forms.

And there are some other couples who use my how to do video in order to get married with another agengy. And I am generous at this point. Its okay for me, if other people profit of my knowledge. I am sure every company has his own costumer. But inspiring people is still something I love to do.

the world is full of magically things patiently waiting our wits to grow sharper. bertrand russell.png

And you? Whats about your dark point? Are you still in that dark whole or already rising your head a little bit to see the light? I know, that you can  overthink any angle of your life. I trust you,  that your past can be a huge burden sometimes. What is about making peace with all that bad things which happened to you before? I just like you to motivate to give your future a chance.

All of the sudden you could magically detect that the past could be a book full of lectures which were written just for you. And per chance you might clarify some emotional junk inside yourself too. Make peace with people who did hurt you, make peace with yourself, if you did something wrong. Say sorry to somebody who needs your apology. Give something back to those people who helped you out as you did not expect it.


In the wintertime people try to hide themselves inside their flats and houses and make it warm and cozy. But if you curl yourself up into a ball you will be alone with yourself and your own mindset. And that might be dangerous sometimes, if you disappear into obscurity.

And every single person in the world has good days and some bad days too. And if such a dark day appears you will see everything darker as it already is. To protect yourself from living in a bubble in the past which is just taking place in your own mind… you should try to step a feet out of your door, in order to smell the world and your own future with all these unborn ideas and opportunities…


The darkest YOU might be more lighter then my own dark side. But I learned to find strength in all these darkness and to light a candle which brings me trough a state of darkness until there appears the real light. With my motivational posts I always motivate myself too. Thats sounds surreal, but its the dark truth.


I love to encourage you today:

  • Please, believe in yourself!
  • Please, don’t hide your skills, nor your emotions anymore!
  • If you can see the light at the end of the tunnel, then their is a great path waiting for you.
  • Please, find joy in the little things and stay connected with your heart!
  • Instead of focussing on the past, concentrate on a great future, be aware of the present and take care of yourself and your energy!
  • create moments of joy instead moments of fear!

Do you feel inspired? Just a little bit?

How to be strong if you actually feel weak

The key of being strong is not in your surroundings, it’s in yourself. If you learn to listen to your own voice your will become stronger then you ever would have expected.

Everybody knows those bad days, where literally everything goes wrong or you are totally overwhelmed. Having a bad day is a temporary thing. So if you are aware about the fact that there will be happy days in your future, it’s more easier to face those days which are challenging you totally.


Last week I had one of those days… it started with waiting up late, our son missing his school bus, driving him by myself to school, then missing something important for our daughters childcare place. Because I was already late I could not do my morning cleaning routine, I just run into the home office to get things done. I was busy with crazy cases, because the registrar office did not react as I wanted them to… spontaneously I got a visitor for lunch, my husband informed me quite late about that circumstance. So I was trying to get my work done and cooking something great. But after I had mopped the kitchen floor and opened the door of the fridge in order to put out some salad, an open box with tomato paste was falling right on the floor, in front of my feet, creating a disaster… yes I can have those days too which are a big challenge and bother me.

After the lunch I realized that I feel totally weak. I felt overwhelmed, tired, exhausted and I thought of just leaving everything and everybody without a word and having a warm shower!


With that picture I realised myself magically tackeling the whole pile of dirty dishes and answering our kids who consistently tried to argue each other on a higher level. I created hope in myself! Hope for a change to the positive outcome.

Honestly I knew the day would be like this, because I was really beyond myself. But while I listened to my inner voice which really seeked for a warm shower, I knew that goal would bring me through everything. Just the imagination of having a shower was like a reset button. I just restarted my mindset. Why should I get angry or get loud, if the others don’t listen to my advice? Why should I be sad about the fact that I did not get all the things done I usually get done? I realised that its really okay to just be in this moment and to create a place of happiness instead of perfection.

After the visitor said goodbye I just told my husband that I would go to have a shower. The children were playing all the time and were allowed to watch some cartoons. I really enjoyed my me-time, because usually in the morning I have some minutes just for myself before everybody gets up an we get busy. But if yu wake up late, you miss those minutes, and then you feel totally beside the road. I love to have a plan, I love to be strong. But if I realise that I have a moment of weakness, then its totally okay for me to find motivation by offering something to myself, which is important for me. Sometimes its reading a book, having a great workout—it differs on my kind of feeling weak-state. Sometimes I just imagine how the future will be and I remind myself about the fact, that this current time is just one small macro of a huge timespace which is offered to us. So if I realize that a bad day is nothing compared to all those great days I have/had, then the bad day is not so dark as it seemed to me by the first sight.

Your inner voice is the call of your heart. Its like a reminder. It will ring the bell, if you are skipping your needs because of duties and responsibilities. Be aware of that voice. It can be very silent, but it tells you always the truth and helps you to protect yourself to get recharged and powerful again!

How do you help yourself to be strong in stressed situations, where you feel overwhelmed, weak & tired? Are you a believer of powernapping?

Why your perfection hinders you from being successful & lucky

In the past I met lots of people who really strived to be perfect or were busy with pretending a perfect life. Both of these activities are totally against yourself. But let me tell you why. If you try to be perfect, then you will put your “goals” and “values” so high, that you barely can achieve those.

People who want to be perfect, don’t focus at one talent they have. They want to have it all: A clean home, a great career, a good relationship with their wife, a spectular connection to their kids and good friends as well as vacations, voluntary stuff going on beside this, bring healthy and in shape… the list will never end.

That kind of path is very stony. The problem is: You put huge stones in front of yourself which hinder you from being grateful and enjoy the moment, because you always want to have it perfectly and it is not that perfect at every minute of your life. So you will not feel happy at all, because you will just try to do it perfectly and thereby realize that it isn’t.

The other activity to pretend that your personal world is perfect, is a very bad emotional state too. Why? Because you pretend that your life is great, while in reality you could need some help. But you don’t admit because you want to show that you are great and that your are strong.

Perhaps you already know that I am married and my spouse was born in northern iraq. In the kurdish culture as well as in all the other oriental cultures, superficial perception of others get a lot of attention.

Many of my clients are orientals, it does not matter if you were born in turkey, afghanistan, iran or syria… I understand your kind of thinking and feeling, because I feel very familar with the oriental mind. As I finished school we had that book where other pupils will write about you. One person commented that I am an oriental soul in a german body. I laughed at it. But I assume that I can build a bridge between orient and the western world because of my character and my experiences with foreign people.

Most people try to show their best side, and thats good. But often people put too much pressure on their own shoulders because they are afraid about the other persons opinion. As a child an oriental girl as well as a boy will be told: Don’t do this or that, because people would think bad about you/us. Family comes first. And you are representing the honour of that family with every step you make or don’t.


A clean home means- I am a good person. Preparing lots of good food- is an unspoken rule. Your clothes, your style, your manners everything will be recognized and can lead others to speak about you. Allthough oriental people are the most charming and loving people I ever met, they really need to be connected with their inner voice again. Because the voices of all other people around them will be so loud and be overrated, because they were used to grow unselfish.

For sure everybody wants to be representing the best of himself. But if you do things because you are afraid of being judged by others, then its against yourself. If you clean your messy home, because to feel comfortable and to make your home a heaven, that is different. Its for you and your comfort. If your home is filled with good vibes, a visitor will feel happy and welcome there too. If you clean because of others– you will hate the task and you will hate the other person, before that crosses the doorstep. ;O)

Over the years I developed lots of organizing skills, but until today there are times where my house is a mess, especially if my mind is too full and I cannot get everything finished as I want it to. Oriental visitors can appear very spontaniously. Knock-knock! There is a kurdish speech with says:

vistors are like rain, they come suddenly!

Of course I adapted a lots of trained attitutes all over the years in that binational relationship with a big family. Spinning all these plates around is a masterpiece: Cooking spontaneously for 20 people, cleaning the house, taking care of our children beside this, then entertaining the visitors and bring those people to malls or special places…and just keeping on going the business beside this, the laundry, my sports exercises, and all these other things which might happen…

And I always was seeking to be full of perfection. And… surprisengly as I changed my mindset about perfection– I really increased my success and the level of happiness after given up my old dogmas. People will meet my real me not a person who pretends to be friendly and kind but is totally overwhelmed.

I really had both activities inside me… seeking for perfection and pretending to be perfect, which is now a NOGO for me anymore. If people want to speak about me, I will not have the ability to stop them. But what I can hinder is that their backbiting will hit me anymore. If somebody loves me, then because of ME, not because of my house, my tasty food or any other superficial thing in the world. If somebody does not like me, I prefer that person to avoid me.

While in the past I always wanted me to fit with everybody, today I am aware about the fact that I am polarizing and it is an advantage, really.

I can promise you that if you try to be perfect you will miss the whole life and the deeper impressions it delivers to you. Being perfect is an unreachable goal, because nobody is perfect. We strive to be perfect, but we aren’t, we will never be. And that reminds me of the picture of a donkey who has that carrot in front of his head:


And the donkey is running and running and trying to reach that carrot in order to eat it, but he will stay hungry because his owner putted the carrot in front him in order to let that donkey run and transport stuff.

Time is the most expensive thing we have.


If you spend all your time in being perfect, you will just always see the carrot but not eating it.

  • If a writer would erase every single word which he wrote because of imperfection, he would never publish anything
  • If a runner, would avoid a race because he assumes not to do it perfectly, he will not develope at all, because he stops himself to do a great run and have that experience.
  • If a technician would not give a devise or a software a test in order to refine that product or program an invention or upgrade could not happen at all
  • If a musician would just wait and always try to be more perfect before performing that written song, perhaps he will be sorry at his deathbed, because he missed the opportunity his whole life to release that song

Why do I write about this? Because imperfection leads to success! Its not about to be the best at your first step. Its about to have the courage to go and be totally you, uncensored and authentic. The world is full of pretenders & wannabes. They are not perfect at all. 

If I would give the perfection more power then my creativity and my heart, then I would not publish any content nor do my job as wedding visionary as good as I do know.

You can easily get lost in the details. If you strive to perfection you will not perform as good as if you go out, do your thing and then wing it. Perhaps you wonder about my mindset. My own experience can teach you that people who get creative and smart in situations where others would quit, need to let go all these superficial perfection.

One costumer asks me why I am so steady, allthough her case is not confirmed right now. She was so uncertain and really got overwhelmed, that she always asked me for an advise. That does not sound perfect. But there are cases where it needs more time to check the papers. Actually italy passports or residence cards need to be controlled by the danish police office, before a wedding office can give the permission for a marriage. That is why some people tried in the past to marry with faked documents.

I told her: We are sitting on a boat. And while we are sailing with our ship on the ocean suddenly a storm appears. So you got stressed out and are concerned about the outcome… should I get stressed out too? Or would it feel the best for you if I am steady and secure and telling you that there is appearing the sun on the left and the storm will leave us again? She was happy about my speech, because she felt sure that we are on the same boat, that means I am fighting for her and her future husband to get that wedding appointment arranged no matter how complicated that case is. And my optimistic view helped her to stay patient until the great news could be finally delivered by me: successful wedding appointment arranged!

Consider about your perfection. About your path. Think about your talents. I hope that I could inspire you today to be motivated to let go that perfection and live the life to the fullest and realize your future by trying things out and developing yourself step by step.

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